Saturday 23 April 2011

Songs of Solitude

He stared vacantly at the crowded bus stop a block down the road. Life in this city was indeed the proverbial rat race; and he felt like the lone spectator. He'd already seen his fill and now he just wanted to rest. He was at his regular corner. The increased traffic ensured a steady supply of coins for dinner. He reached across and pulled his dog closer to him trying to leech off as much body heat as he could. He called her Annie for lack of a better name.

November was fast approaching and with it would come the long winter. Winter meant freezing temperatures, wet snow and harsh winds. But he was not too worried. He’d seen many winters and this one would be no different. Closer to Christmas he'd move to the lot near the shopping mall. Christmas shoppers were a mixed blessing. On the one hand, they were a generous lot and Christmas cheer helped to no end. However watching them always tugged at his cold lonely heart. They reached out to memories so distant. Memories of a happy childhood and a loving family back in the country. But they were now lost behind the hazy mist of a lifetime of wrong turns. His glazed eyes cast another glance at the people who seemed to be too busy with their own lives to give him more than a passing glance. The sky rumbled overhead and what was earlier a slight drizzle turned into a heavenly onslaught of tears from above. Annie nudged closer as he pulled the sheets tighter around his torso. It was going to be a long, cold night.

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