Friday 26 October 2007

Notoriously Splendid!!

I stood with a man
Watching the sun go down
The air was full of murmurous summer scents
And a brave breeze sang like a bugle
From a sky that smouldered in the west
A sky of crimson, amethyst and gold and sepia
And blue as blue as were the eyes of Helen
When she sat
Gazing from high tower in Ilium
Upon the Grecian tents darkling below.
And he,
This man who stood beside me,
Gaped like some dull half-witted animal
And said,
‘I say,
Doesn’t that sunset remind you
Of a slice
Of underdone roast beef?’

- P G Wodehouse
(Jeeves and the Feudal Spirit)

I love this piece of poetry. It is very simple and at the same time conveys our hopelessly high expectations of people. Mortals will be mortals. :D

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