Monday 22 November 2010

Cruel Winter Blues

It's happening all over again. The laziness is starting to creep on in like an annoying shadow in the night. Procrastination thy name is... well you get the idea. I've got about four blog posts that I've been meaning to finish. I actually haven't opened my documents folder this last week. I could call it writer's block but that's just such a lame reason to stop. It’s not like I'm looking for inspiration. My head is a huge whirlpool of thoughts and ideas just waiting to burst forth onto this unsuspecting world.
What I would blame for this predicament of mine is the weather. Axl Rose obviously hadn’t been to Canada before he wrote November Rain. Up here it’s just a very very cold November with loads of the white soft stuff. Even as I write this I see that the world outside is just one big white wasteland. And one look at my weather gadget tells me its -18 degrees. That’s -24 with wind chill factored in. The skies over the city have been obscured and the sun's been waging a losing battle trying to burst through.
On the bright side, Christmas is around the corner and this ultra-capitalistic economy is such a wonderful place to be in. What with the Christmas spirit, snow angels, gingerbread lattes and all of that good stuff. Stores lit up so brightly, cute babies in their oh-so-cute oversized jackets and just the general seasonal joy. Also, snow does have some sort of magical appeal. The white kind that is. Keep away from that golden stuff. Nasty!

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