Friday 14 January 2011

New Year, New Me?

Another new year is upon us. And humanity needs hope if nothing else for this one. I know I do. An optimist would judge 2011 a much better year than old man 2010. But that's a bit premature to say the least seeing as how we're only about two weeks into the year. Our population continues to grow exponentially. Threats of oil starvation continue. Apple still has countless zombies queuing up for their latest mind control device. And Osama Bin Laden continues to evade all the king's horses and all the king's men (or not depending on which school of conspiracy theories you subscribe to). On the bright side our planet's been pretty stable. Global warming is starting to look like an urban legend (C'mon, its -35 degrees outside). Economies are starting to recover slowly but surely. Last week an Indian domestic airline set a new record by ordering 180 jets from Airbus. Not everyone's idea of good news, but it works for me!
Resolutions are everywhere. What's yours? Other than the mandatory weight loss resolution, my list always looked more or less like the inside of an athletic goods store. So if I wasn’t 'just do(ing) it', I was under the impression that 'impossible is nothing'. I can never seem to add anything meaningful to my list. Maybe I should start smoking so I could resolve to give it up. How about smiling more? That sounds doable. And if recent studies are to be believed people who smile more at their workplace are the ones to bag those elusive raises (just don’t try too hard lest you end up in a straitjacket). Or maybe I should read more. I used to be such a bookworm as a kid. But back then I did not have distractions like YouTube and the Sony playstation 3. Travel? I'd need money for that. Which involves getting a job (incidentally the one thing I need the most this year). Or maybe I should just resolve to stick to at least one of my resolutions this year. Time to hit the gym then. Or I could just put on my best smile... Hmm.


Amy and Arpit Mathew said...

Anish! U write so well !! Really enjoy ur posts!

FlyBoy said...

Thank you!! :D