Saturday 19 February 2011

Present Tense, Past Perfect

Life's been good to me. For the most part anyway. Loving family, food on the table, roof over my head... that kind of stuff. I've been around for a fair bit of time on this planet of ours and like everybody else I too have my bag of memories to look back upon. I've never been any good at bringing the past back to life though. I'd never be that stranger on a bus who told you his story and made your journey so much more beautiful. I couldn't do a punch line well if my life depended on it. My storytelling would probably remind you of that artsy movie you went to, which left you feeling cheated out of your good money and time. Nevertheless, this is my blog. And lately I've had tons of free time with my never-ending string of misfortunes (I like to think of it as God being needed elsewhere right now). So I’ve decided to write about this life of mine, fascinating or stupendously boring as the case may be. What follows is purely a literary exercise for me. Also I’m hoping this will give me some good reading material for when I’m sipping tea on a lazy sunny afternoon in my retirement home up in the mountains. Based on a true but tiresome tale. Any resemblance to actual persons - living or dead - isn't co-incidental at all! Names, however, may be changed in the interest of my safety.


Amy and Arpit Mathew said...

After that buildup, can hardly wait for the stuff! Bring it on bro!!

FlyBoy said...

yikes.. starting to think i might have oversold it a bit there.. :)